Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation is the world's leader in the number of operating research reactors. As part of the comprehensive program "Development of Equipment, Technologies and Scientific Research in the Use of Atomic Energy in the Russian Federation", Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation is constructing the unique MFRR facility.
The MFRR will provide the nuclear industry with research infrastructure for the next 50 years. This project is important in terms of its potential for development of the entire nuclear power industry.
MFRR goals
End-user properties of the MFRR will provide conditions for reactor and post-reactor trials, development of new technologies for production of radioisotopes and modified materials, and launch the realization of a set of critical tasks as follows:
examination of promising types of nuclear fuel and absorbing materials
radiation tests of advanced structural materials
examination of new and modified liquid-metal coolants, means of their control, and quality management
testing of fuel rods and fuel assemblies in transient, cyclic, and emergency modes of operation
production of radioisotope products, development of modified materials
reactor trials and research of closed fuel cycle problems, actinide utilization, and burning out of long-lived fission products
MFRR: type and properties
The MFRR has the reactor unit with two sodium cooling circuits and the third steam-water circuit, the steam turbine unit, transportation and technological systems, loop units, vertical and horizontal experimental channels, complex of research containment chambers, and the laboratory complex.
The International Research Center
The MFRR will become a base for the International Research Center. Its activities will be carried out within the consortium "MFRR-based International Research Center ", which is being formed for this purpose.
Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation invites foreign partners to join the researches and offers:
- favorable terms of participation at different phases of project implementation: at the construction or operation phase
- different forms of partnership: conducting own research and/ or joining the international cooperation
Digitalization and innovative technologies: construction of the unique MFRR unit
Such a large-scale nuclear construction project is being implemented taking into account the best international practices. In order to effectively manage the construction of such mega-projects and to ensure that its construction is ahead of schedule:
- there was established the construction consortium uniting a pool of highly professional contractors for all major types of works and other participants ensuring the project implementation
- there is introduced the principle of collaboration: all participants share responsibility for the strategically important result; and their relationships are regulated by relevant agreements and contracts
For the first time in the history of the nuclear industry, there was applied a set of unprecedented innovative approaches to the project of MFRR construction.
- there is created a large-scale state scientific facility. Usage of the BIM model allows real-time tracking of construction progress
- there is implemented the industry-wide system for comprehensive cost and time management of facilities construction (Total Cost Management Nuclear Construction - TCM NC)
- in the nearest future there will be integrated the remote monitoring tools using digital and unmanned technologies. This method has already been successfully tested by Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation during construction of the Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh.
Our common goal is to increase the pace of construction of the MFRR using high-tech methods of modern construction and to reduce investment costs through the use of digital construction management technologies.
Erection of the multi-functional fast research reactor is the most important project for long-term development of the experimental base of the domestic nuclear industry, which will allow Russia ensuring its competitive ability in development of innovative reactor technologies. Meanwhile, partnership of the world's leading companies, from the construction phase to operation start, will reveal new opportunities in the nuclear power industry.